STA 200: Statistics for Social Justice

Course Description: How equitable are housing services in Iowa? In this course we will seek to understand the intersection of race and housing services. We will be collaborating with the Iowa non-profit Waypoint to identify which communities are most affected, and which housing services have the largest racial disparities. The course will include: (1) reading about and discussing the historical role race has played in Iowa housing; (2) learning the descriptive statistics needed to investigate data; (3) communicating with Waypoint representatives to establish clear research questions, learn what data they collect and how to access their database; and (4) complete the analysis of their data. Students will work in groups throughout the block to investigate different data and answer different questions. There may be small group visits to some off campus locations to gather data currently only available on paper.

Research questions

  1. For those who have completed the Waypoint program, is there a relationship between the race and/or gender of the individuals and evictions?

  2. For those who have completed the Waypoint program, is there a relationship between the race and/or gender of the individuals and who successfully completes a program?

  3. Is there a relationship between the race and/or gender of the individuals and who uses, and reuses housing programs?

Student Sample Final Project

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